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This is a timeline for our first product Wildflow Coral.

NOW: we’ve got already a few terabytes of coral reef 3D photogrammetry data from 4 universities and the world’s largest reef restoration effort. Established connections with major research institutions, 3D data pipeline organisations, data collecting companies, restoration projects and reef analytics research groups.


3D in 6 months

Rapidly launch open 3D reef data platform, hosting existing high-resolution photogrammetry datasets from top research labs. Simultaneously, develop tools for visualising and labelling these massive 3D models (over 100GBs each) in the browser. Develop an open API to run analytics pipelines against all our data, allowing researchers from all over the world to collaborate on these models. This establishes Wildflow as the go-to hub for reef data and generates immediate interest. Conduct a survey (a public catalogue) to locate existing coral reef datasets to integrate (for other modalities). Secure an initial paying client, showcasing the platform’s value in monitoring restoration efforts.


MULTIMODAL in 1 year

Expand the data platform to integrate multimodal data sources like acoustics, videos, eDNA, satellite imagery, and environmental data. Develop AI models that understand and integrate all multimodal data inputs alongside the existing 3D data. Classify species, assess benthic cover, and estimate reef health using mechanistic models (e.g. for biodiversity credits). Start training the first multimodal foundation models for biodiversity (two modalities first). Target conservation and restoration projects as early clients. Partner with dive centres for citizen science data collection (starting with 3D models), further enriching the platform.


TWIN in 2 years

Develop comprehensive digital twins of coral reefs, modelling ecosystem dynamics (connectivity, predator-prey, phenological events, etc), human impacts (management of invasive species like COTS or lionfish, stony coral tissue loss disease (SCTLD) propagation, etc.), and valuating ecosystem services. This “digital twin” enables “what-if” scenario modelling and guides targeted interventions. Expand to other markets beyond conservation/restoration projects. Many people have started building their own applications on top of Wildflow Coral. Coral reefs around the world are starting to revive!


OCEANS in 4 years

Expand our tech to adjacent ecosystems like oyster reefs and seagrass meadows. Wildflow Coral’s modular architecture, along with its proven AI capabilities and insights into critical marine habitats, further refine our ability to model complex interactions within the ocean’s interconnected web of life.


EARTH in 8 years

We have AI models that comprehensively understand all ecosystems on our planet. We built a strong “digital nervous system for our planet”. We aligned all human activities with our understanding of nature. We found a balance between humans and nature. We empower each other!


MARS in 16 years

We have superhuman abilities to create a jungle out of any desert (a truly functioning ecosystem). We can even terraform Mars now!